A step-by-step guide on how to create and start a group conversation in Microsoft Teams, from adding recipients to sending the first message.

  • This guide demonstrates the process of creating a group in Microsoft Teams. Follow these steps to set up a new group conversation efficiently.
  • Click on the search bar at the top of the Teams window to begin creating a group.
  • Type email addresses or names of people to add to your group in the search bar. Suggestions will appear as you type.
  • Add more recipients by typing additional email addresses or names. Added contacts appear as chips below the search bar.
  • Click on "Add group name" at the top after adding all recipients. Enter a name for your group chat.
  • With the group created, type your first message in the text box at the bottom of the chat window.
  • Click the send button (arrow icon) or press Enter to send your message and initiate the group conversation.
  • Group Creation Complete. You've successfully created a group in Microsoft Teams. Use this group to collaborate, share information, and communicate effectively with your team members.